Bharatpur Eye Hospital Vacancy 2023-Administrative Officer, Ophthalmic Assistant, Consultant, Optical Dispenser, Bharatpur Eye Hospital Vacancy, Administrative Officer Job, Eye Assistant Vacancy, Consultant Position, Optical Dispenser Career, Eligibility Criteria, Application Process, Application Form Fee, Contact Information, Healthcare Job in Nepal, Job Vacancy will be discussed here with full details.
Bharatpur Eye Hospital Vacancy Announcement 2023
Bharatpur Eye Hospital, a renowned healthcare institution providing high-quality eye care services to patients from across the nation and beyond since 2044, invites applications from eligible Nepali citizens to fill various positions on a contractual basis.
Post: Administrative Officer
- Level: Official 10th
- Qualifications and Experience:
- Graduated in Management Faculty
- At least 1 year of work experience
- Place of work: Bharatpur Eye Hospital, Chitwan
Post: Ophthalmic (Eye) Assistant
- Level: Senior Assistant VIII
- Qualifications and experience
- Certificate of Proficiency in Ophthalmic Science or similar
- NHPC Registered
- Work Place: Gaindakot Municipality, Nawalpur, Baidikali Rural Municipality, Bharatpur Eye Hospital, Chitwan
Post: Consultant
- Level: Assistant IV
- Qualifications and experience
- Proficiency Certificate level or equivalent
- At least one year working experience in a hospital will be considered
- Place of work: Bharatpur Eye Hospital Chitwan
Post: Optical Dispenser
- Level: Associate Third
- Qualifications and experience
- S.L.C./S.E.E Qualified
- Trained
- Eligibility will be given to those with at least one year of work experience
- Place of work: Gaindakot Municipality, Nawalpur, Baidikali Rural Municipality and Abu Khairini Tanahun
Eligible candidates are advised to apply within 7 days from the date of publication of notification.
Last date of submission of application: 22/06/2080 within office hours
Application Form Fee:
- For Authorized Level: Rs. 1000/-
- For Assistant Level: Rs. 500/-
- For Associate Level: Rs. 100/-
- The application form will be available from the hospital administration branch.
Contact Address:
Bharatpur Eye Hospital
Bharatpur, Chitwan
Contact No: 056-493633, 493833
(Note: We simply posted this job opening for informational purposes. So, please read the information and submit an application using the website or email address provided.)
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